Cheapest and most easy way to download your files from filehosts with only one click. Found anywhere else cheaper plans, let us know and we will beat that price! Check our features below for more information...
What is ProLeech.Link?
ProLeech.Link is a Premium Link Generator which allows you to download your files from filehosting services. It is fast, without any restrictions, wait-time and/or captchas and this at the maximum of your connection speed. Forget about all the hassle and try our free service first! Now you dont need premium account for every single Filehost service because our service lets you download from all of them. You just need 1 account with us and you're ready to catch ALL your files within few minutes! If you want to enjoy these premium benefits don't hesitate to try our premium service, check our plans and start with the premium downloads that make your downloads ULTRA easy & ULTRA fast!
Download manager support
ProLeech supports high speed downloading with download managers (including resume support option) even if the filehost does not support it.
We are time savers
Say "No" to waiting time. With ProLeech, there will be NO MORE annoying waiting time and it's ad-free. We offer a free reliable Premium Link Generator that makes your download easy. An amazing support team here to help you 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If you have any problem using ProLeech, contact us and we will solve it in no time!
Watch your videos online
You don't want to download the video file? No problem, we can stream the video/movie directly to your screen with the highest quality!
Android App
We have available an Android app to download files directly to your mobile phone.
Chrome / Firefox Extension Available
You dont need enter to our site when you want download a file, with our extensions you can do instantly.
Responsive Design
With our site design you can access to the site with the same features as Desktop mode.

Files Downloaded
Hosters available for free users
Hosters available for premium users
Servers for download
Why choose Us
Our first and foremost priority is the satisfaction of our users, we work hard every day to offer you the best service, our service has a really good system for downloading your requested files. For support we are always ready to answer your questions. We provide the cheapest premium link generating service in the market, anywhere else cheaper than us! Let us know and we will beat the price!
Go to our DownloaderOur Mission
Offer the best downloading experience for our users, if any customer need support then our advanced ticket system and our always ready staff will be ready to help you out! Even with the cheapest prices in the market we guarantee the best service out there. Not satisfied? 100% money back! Start trying our service and you will not regret it.
Go to our DownloaderWhat you get
We provide already over 50+ filehosters, but we always need your proposals, if you have any ideas for improving the service or simply need a new filehoster? Only thing you need to do is opening a new ticket and we will reply as soon as possible, satisfying your needs.
Go to our Downloader